Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pep Up the Formula Tonight, You're Not Obliged to Do Us Favors, Disenchanted Hearts Unite...

You know those days when you wake up with that sinking realization that you are falling very behind on several projects, at least one of them has a deadline, and you have absolutely no idea how to tackle it? Yeah, well, welcome to my morning.

I've also been reminded a few times that today is apparently a "holiday" where people celebrate "being in love," or whatever. I just wanted to post a quick reminder for those of you not in love, or those of you who are but feel a bit non- traditional you might want to head over to the Cha Cha Lounge tonight for this thing:

I'd like to make it out myself, but I will likely still be staring blankly at my computer waiting for the magical correct combination of words to appear on the screen sometime before tomorrow morning. Yep, nerdiest Valentine's Day plans ever!

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