Friday, January 18, 2008

The Sun Shines Everywhere That We Have Ever Been

The other night at Spaceland I found myself in a conversation with the endlessly knowledgeable Kevin Bronson, and he mentioned to me that I should check out a local band by the name of The Windy City Gentleman. Since Kevin Bronson is not only endlessly knowledgeable, but also has impeccable taste, I did so almost immediately upon arriving home. Two days later, I keep going back to their Myspace page where I promise myself that I'll listen to just one song then move on to something else. So far I haven't been able to make it out of there without letting every posted song run it's course at least once, but usually twice. The band is apparently named for a pretty dark relative of the lead singer, but the music is all sunny, catchy, laid back pop. Go figure. They have a few West Coast tour dates listed on the Myspace page that begin in the middle of February. This includes stops in Northern California, as well as Seattle, Spokane, and Eugene. I you make it to a show please tell me how it is! In the meantime, I'll just keep hoping that they'll add a few that are closer to home once the tour is over.

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